Unlocking The Miraculous

Possessing Your Keys to the Impossible

This book covers the Bible’s take on the “God of the impossible”, a theme that is weaved throughout many parts of Scripture. Human nature often focuses on problems instead of looking to God as our Problem Solver.

Unlocking The Miraculous

Chapter Previews

Here’s a snapshot of the first few chapters of the book and what readers might experience.

Chapter 1: Sarah, From Barrenness to Mother of Israel

Sarai, a beautiful woman devoted to her husband, longed for one thing. A child. “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” (Genesis 18:14)

Chapter 2: One Who Fights the Battles

Imagine being surrounded with no way out, a fierce army chasing you, and an impassable sea in front of you. You are out of options, not armed to fight the army coming after you...

Chapter 3: In Obedience is Provision

When we obey what God directs us to do, He is moved to fulfil what He has spoken. Our obedience is key to receiving all God has for us.

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In this book there are many keys to "Unlocking The Miraculous" in and through your life. Pre-Order today!

Book Synopsis

This book covers portions of the Bible that relate to the theme: God of the impossible. This is a thread that has been pulled through many parts of Scripture and that will introduce you to a side of God many don’t spend a lot of time on. Human nature tends to focus on the problems rather than our Problem Solver! Each chapter dives a little bit into the struggles that were faced at a specific time and the intervention God provided. The chapters also contain points to ponder as we reflect upon their lives and situations and what we might be facing in our lives today.

Humanity has great need and God has unlimited potential to meet every need of every person and will work through those who are completely committed to Him. We are His body, His hands, and feet to a world that desperately needs something. This world needs the army of the Lord to rise and move out in faith. God needs you to be all He has called you to be. I pray something in this book will ignite a fire in you to move out in faith that will move mountains.


In 1985, after a ten year hiatus, I walked into a church in Fullerton, California. I had an awakening experience, made an adult decision to follow Jesus, and committed to a discipleship process where the Word of God came alive for me. I immediately got involved with the young adults group at the church and met Rebecca where a friendship began, mutual learning of the practical application of Scripture took place, and the rest – is a good history. Rebecca would meet Bill Bracey, they would marry, eventually head off to Bible College together, and soon thereafter pastor a church together.

The book you are about to read is the culmination of many years of learning, applying the truth of God’s Word, walking out the challenges of life, family, and ministry, and the practical application of familiar Bible stories into real life situations. I have known Rebecca and Bill to be two faithful and steadfast individuals, who together have been unwavering in their faith and commitment to the presentation of the Gospel message. The care in which Rebecca brings kingdom principles, using Scripture reference into the realities of life as an encouragement is both enlightening and faith building. Definitely a “night stand” book to return to over and over again for a reminder from a friend.

Michael Larkin Ph.D.
The Great Awakening Project

It’s Time To Walk Into Your Destiny

Unlock The Miraculous – Order Today!​