Birthing the Promises of God

“Hold onto faith, even when God’s timing feels uncertain. Keep trusting, keep preparing, and keep rejoicing—because the promises of God are always worth the wait!”
— Rebecca Bracey
When Gabriel first appeared to Zechariah with the words, “Do not be afraid, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son” (Luke 1:13), it must have felt hopeful and confusing all at the same time. Zechariah was so dumbfounded, that he began to talk back to the angel (Luke 1:18) – perhaps he had a hard time believing his prayer was finally answered after years of delay.
Have you ever wondered if your own prayers were somehow overlooked, or asked God if He really heard you? That was likely the reality for Zechariah and Elizabeth, who had prayed for a child for years with no sign of an answer. They were righteous before God (Luke 1:6), yet their prayer remained unanswered.
However, in God’s perfect time, Elizabeth conceived John the Baptist, the one who would prepare the way for Jesus. This story reminds us that delay is not denial. We should be encouraged to remain faithful, even when heaven seems silent.
If you’ve ever felt discouraged by an unanswered prayer, consider how Elizabeth’s experience speaks to our hearts today.
God’s Word Never Fails, Even When It Feels Delayed
Elizabeth’s life proves that God’s Word never fails, even if it appears delayed. She carried the sorrow of barrenness for many years, in a culture where children were seen as a sign of blessing and childlessness brought shame.
Yet she and Zechariah stayed obedient, walking blamelessly in all God’s commands (Luke 1:6). The angel Gabriel’s promise revealed that God had heard every prayer and treasured every tear.
Do you ever feel forgotten or question God’s timing?
Take heart! Elizabeth’s story shows that He moves behind the scenes, perfectly aligning every detail for His glory. Even when we’re weary in the waiting, His timing is not our timing, and His plans are not our plans (Isaiah 55:8-9) – His faithfulness remains unshaken, and He will accomplish His will in and through our lives.
Hidden Seasons Prepare Us for His Promises
After Elizabeth conceived, she chose to keep her pregnancy private for five months (Luke 1:24–25). Perhaps she longed for quiet space to reflect on the miracle before sharing it, perhaps she struggled with the reality of what was happening. Very often, we need hidden seasons of our own, as God calls us to nurture His promise in silence and prepare for what’s next.
In those moments of stillness, we draw closer to Him and find deeper trust and reliance upon the Promise Keeper. The world, our community, or even our family may not yet see our growth and His miracle, but God is at work, shaping our hearts and lives for the moment when His promise becomes fully visible.
The Promise Provokes Praise and Praise Provokes the Promise
When Mary, pregnant with Jesus, visited Elizabeth, her baby leapt in the womb, and Elizabeth was immediately filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:41). She broke into spontaneous praise, celebrating God’s work in Mary’s life and proclaiming, “Blessed are you among women” (Luke 1:42).
Have you noticed how praise shifts our attention from our struggles to God’s power?
Worship aligns us with His purposes and opens our hearts to receive His blessings and release His promises in the Earth! Elizabeth’s joy reminds us that praising God in the midst of our waiting can usher in the fulfillment of what we’ve longed for! Remember Psalms 37:4 –
“Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.”
There’s an incredible secret here – when God gives us a promise, our hearts are filled with gratitude and He becomes our delight. As God becomes our delight, and praise fills our focus, His promises become our reality. Like Elizabeth, stay tender to a place of praise – stay faithful and obedient.
Conclusion: Trust, Prepare, and Rejoice
Today, if you’re waiting on God, let Elizabeth’s story strengthen your hope. Delay doesn’t mean defeat, and silence doesn’t equal absence. Trust His perfect timetable, and prepare your heart in whatever hidden season He may lead you through.
Keep praising Him, because worship anchors your hope and reminds you who is truly in control. The God who remembered Elizabeth has not forgotten you. His Word cannot return void, and He will bring every promise to fruition at the appointed time.
So keep trusting, keep preparing, and keep rejoicing—because the promises of God are always worth the wait.