Embracing the Supernatural in the New Year

“As you align your heart with His, may you see mountains move, doors open, and the kingdom of God advance in ways that leave you awe-inspired by His glory.”

— Rebecca Bracey

Many of us step into the New Year with life-altering resolutions or positive personal goals, but as believers, our purpose is far greater. We serve a God who delights in displaying His power, and He wants us to partner with Him to advance His kingdom. Consider this normal early-Church experience found in the book of Acts. In Acts 12, we read about Peter, imprisoned with seemingly no escape. Yet, right when hope appeared lost, an angel broke his chains and ushered him out of captivity. Just as in those days, the days we are living in are exciting times, ripe with opportunities to see God move in a supernatural way!

Stepping into the supernatural doesn’t mean we pretend obstacles don’t exist (like Peter in those chains). It simply means we dare to believe that God’s power is greater than any challenge we face. Let’s embrace the challenge to walk in a supernatural life as we enter this New Year.

The Authority of Our Words

The first key to walking in the supernatural is recognizing the authority God has placed in our words. Proverbs 18:21 boldly declares that “death and life are in the power of the tongue.” Whether we realize it or not, we’re consistently sowing seeds with what we say—either speaking life into God’s plans or partnering with negativity to thwart them. God invites us to speak life into our circumstances, over our loved ones, and even ourselves.

Consider how you’ve been talking about the challenges you face. Are you declaring defeat or proclaiming the victory that Christ has already won? When you see an opportunity for the supernatural, are you sowing seeds of doubt or speaking life? Speaking life does not mean ignoring hardship; it means declaring God’s promises even in the face of those hardships! By using our words to align with His truth, we release faith and hope into every situation. It’s a simple yet powerful step toward seeing the miraculous unfold.

Enlisting in God’s Army

God did not call us to be spectators in His kingdom! He has invited us to join His army, actively participating in the work He is doing on the Earth. Ephesians 6:11 tells us to “put on the full armor of God,” implying both protection AND engagement. Too often, we sit back, hoping for life to improve while neglecting the spiritual authority we have been given. Yet Scripture compels us to do the opposite—to stand up, step out, and reclaim everything the enemy has stolen – and OCCUPY until the Lord’s return!

As this new year begins, consider this: where in your life has the enemy tried to rob your peace, your joy, or your sense of purpose? God is stirring us to stop living on the sidelines. He wants us to push forward with courage and reclaim what has been lost. Jesus is our model: He confronted darkness head-on, trusting fully in the Father’s power. We can do the same! By engaging the battle with faith, we open ourselves to experiencing God’s victories in every aspect of our lives.

The Power of Surrender

At the heart of walking in the supernatural is surrender—letting go of our tight grip on how we think things should work out. Jesus models this so clearly in Mark 14:36, as He prays in the garden, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will.” Even in His moment of greatest agony, Jesus trusted the Father’s plan above the pain of the moment.

Surrender can feel vulnerable, yet it’s the pathway to unlocking God’s supernatural intervention. Whatever fear, dream, or obstacle weighs on your heart, bring it to the Lord! Acknowledge that He alone can do the impossible. When we yield control to God, we make space for Him to move in ways beyond anything we could plan or imagine. Through surrender, we find a freedom that comes not from trying harder, but from trusting deeper.


This New Year is more than a calendar change; it’s a divine opportunity to see God’s supernatural power at work in and through your life. Like Peter, you might feel restricted by circumstances that appear hopeless. The same God who sent an angel to break Peter’s chains is eager to break the chains in your life. By speaking life, standing up to take your place in God’s army, and embracing total surrender, you’ll position yourself to witness impossible situations transformed by His love and power.

Remember, we serve a God Who does impossible things. Will you believe for the impossible this year? Will you speak words of life over your circumstances? Will you say yes to actively advancing God’s kingdom? Above all, will you surrender your will to the One who can do far more than you can ask or imagine? As you align your heart with His, may you see mountains move, doors open, and the kingdom of God advance in ways that leave you awe-inspired by His glory.

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