Moving Mountains Through Faith and Obedience

“Make no mistake, faith isn’t passive,
it’s active and requires us to step out in obedience!

— Rebecca Bracey

Do you ever feel like you’re standing before an insurmountable mountain—an obstacle so vast that overcoming it seems impossible? We’ve all faced such moments, where our challenges loom large and our abilities (or even our faith) feel weak and small. Yet, Jesus tells us that even faith as tiny as a mustard seed can move mountains. Let’s read these two passages:

Matthew 17:20-2120 So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. 21However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

Mark 9:23 –  Jesus said to him, “Ifyou can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”

These verses aren’t just poetic expressions, they’re profound truths about the nature of faith. How can this be? Embracing faith, taking active steps of obedience, and staying connected to God through prayer and fasting can empower us to overcome any obstacle.

The Transformative Power of Faith

The mustard seed is one of the smallest seeds, yet it grows into a large tree. Jesus uses this analogy to show that even a small amount of genuine faith can lead to extraordinary outcomes. It’s not about the size of our faith but the greatness of our God in whom we place our faith. When we trust Him, even with what little we have, He takes our situation and delivers in ways that exceed our natural abilities.

Remember, faith is the catalyst that activates God’s power in our lives! It bridges the gap between the impossible and the possible, transforming our limitations into opportunities for God to demonstrate His might. It’s not by ability – it’s by FAITH.

Active Faith Requires Action and Obedience

But make no mistake, faith isn’t passive, it’s active and requires us to step out in obedience! James 2:17 reminds us that “faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” Overcoming obstacles demands determination and proactive faith. We can’t just sit back and hope for change and call it “faith.” We must move be active, moving forward, and trusting that God is with us every step of the way.

Throughout the Scriptures, God is constantly inviting us to partner with Him. Think about that for a moment—the Creator of the universe wants us to be active participants in His plans and will on the Earth. He doesn’t need us, but He chooses to involve us, giving us the privilege of working alongside Him. When we align our actions with His will, we unlock His power in our lives. Our obedience becomes the channel through which His blessings flow.

The Essential Role of Prayer and Fasting

There are times when our challenges require a deeper level of spiritual determination. Jesus Himself said in Matthew 17:21, “However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” Some obstacles are so entrenched that they require an intensity in our prayer life.

Jesus modeled this throughout His life. Scripture tells us repeatedly that He withdrew to solitary places to pray. He understood the importance of staying connected to the Father. If Jesus, the Son of God, prioritized prayer, how much more should we?

Prayer and fasting aren’t about twisting God’s arm; they’re about aligning ourselves with His heart. When we devote time to prayer, we deepen our relationship with Him. We begin to understand His authority and gain access to His wisdom and provision. Fasting helps us to focus, removing distractions so we can hear His voice more clearly.


Looking back over our lives, many of us can see the fingerprints of God—times when He carried us through difficulties we thought we’d never survive. These reflections are not only comforting but also fuel for our faith. They remind us of His faithfulness and encourage us to trust Him with our current challenges.

So, what mountains are you facing today? Is it a health issue, a strained relationship, financial burdens, or perhaps a spiritual drought? Whatever it is, know that no mountain is too great for God. He’s asking you to take a step of faith, to act in obedience to His leading.

Don’t delay. The longer we stand at the base of the mountain, the more imposing it seems. Instead, fix your eyes on Jesus. Engage in prayer and consider fasting to seek His guidance. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. God is with you, and He empowers those who trust in Him.

As you move forward, embrace the truth that with faith and obedience, no obstacle is insurmountable. The mountain before you isn’t a permanent fixture; it’s an opportunity for God to demonstrate His power in your life. Trust Him, take that step, and watch as He moves the mountain.

“If you have faith as a mustard seed… nothing will be impossible for you.” Let’s hold onto this promise and walk boldly in the path God has set before us. Read more about this in Chapter 22 in my book “Unlocking The Miraculous.”

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