“Even in the darkest times, we can hold onto the certainty that God is in control and that His plans for us are good.”
— Rebecca Bracey
“I know whatever God does, it shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, and nothing taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him.” – Ecclesiastes 3:14.
“Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven.” (Psalms 119:89)
It seems today that we are bombarded by news of natural disasters, rising crime rates, and widespread despair. The Bible speaks of these days, the last days, when evil will abound, and we’ll face constant spiritual warfare. If we solely focus on what the media portrays, our hearts might falter. But here’s the good news—none of this surprises God.
While our present circumstances are fleeting, God’s plans are eternal. There is so much hope to look forward to, both in this life and in the one to come. Maintaining a close relationship with God through daily prayer, scripture reading, worship, and spending time in His presence grants us His eternal perspective.
Understanding the Eternal Nature of God’s Word
God’s Word stands as a beacon of eternal truth in a world marked by change and uncertainty. Unlike the temporary nature of worldly events, God’s promises are unshakeable and everlasting. What sets God’s Word apart is its ability to provide timeless wisdom and comfort, transcending generations and cultures.
In an era where new philosophies and ideologies arise almost daily, the Bible remains relevant and steadfast. Its teachings have guided believers for centuries, offering a consistent moral compass and a source of peace. When everything around us seems chaotic, the eternal nature of God’s Word grounds us, reminding us of His unchanging character and plans. God’s plans are not subject to human whims or the passage of time… they are perfect, complete, and eternal, providing a rock-solid foundation for our faith.
Navigating the Last Days and Spiritual Warfare
The Bible tells us that we will live in a time in which evil will increase, and spiritual warfare will intensify. We are living in those times, and the signs are evident all around us. Despite the chaos we see, believers are called to stand firm in their faith, knowing that victory is already secured through Christ.
Faith and assurance are pivotal in facing these challenges. By anchoring ourselves in God’s Word and promises, we can withstand life’s storms. Our faith becomes a shield, guarding us against the doubts and fears the enemy tries to sow. Being vigilant in prayer and immersing ourselves in scripture fortifies our spirits, enabling us to discern and combat the enemy’s schemes effectively.
Cultivating an Eternal Perspective
Maintaining a close relationship with God is essential for cultivating an eternal perspective in this chaotic world. Daily prayer, scripture reading, worship, and other spiritual practices are foundational habits that draw us closer to God and align our hearts with His eternal truths.
Prayer is our direct line of communication with God. It is a time to seek His guidance, express our concerns, and deepen our trust in His will. Making prayer a daily habit helps us stay connected to God’s heart and perspective, reminding us that He is sovereign over every situation.
Reading the Bible regularly feeds our minds and spirits with God’s wisdom and promises. It renews our minds, helping us see beyond the immediate and understand the bigger picture. Worship, whether in song, service, or daily acts of devotion, lifts our spirits and refocuses our attention on God’s greatness and faithfulness.
Spending time in God’s presence gets our eyes off of our current circumstances, and onto Him! It is in these moments of quiet reflection and communion with God that we gain clarity and strength. As 1 Peter 5:7 tells us – “casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”
The Hope of Eternity
The promise of eternal life spent with God is the most profound hope Christians hold on to. It reassures us that our earthly struggles are temporary and that a glorious future awaits us. Eternal life with God is not just a distant dream but a living hope that shapes our present reality. This hope encourages us to persevere through trials, knowing that they are momentary compared to the eternal glory that awaits us (see Romans 8:18).
The promise of Heaven fills us with joy and anticipation, reminding us that our ultimate home is with God. Even in the darkest times, we can hold onto the certainty that God is in control and that His plans for us are good. This hope anchors our souls, giving us peace and strength to endure.
In a world filled with uncertainty and turmoil, the eternal words of God offer an unchanging and solid foundation to stand on. By leaning into the eternal nature of God’s Word, navigating these last days with faith, cultivating an eternal perspective, and holding onto the hope of eternity, we can find comfort, and encouragement!
Remember, God’s plans are eternal, and He is in control. Stay close to Him through prayer, scripture, and worship, and you will gain His eternal perspective. You can read more about this particular concept in Chapter 18 of my book “Unlocking the Miraculous.” You can get a copy here: www.rebeccabracey.com/store.
Be encouraged, and keep your eyes fixed on the eternal promises of God.