Revelations of God’s Omnipotence: A Journey in Humility

“An encounter with the omnipotence of God catalyzes our faith. It reframes personal narratives within the larger scope of God’s narrative.”

— Rebecca Bracey

The concept of God’s omnipotence is central to our faith and serves as a type of bedrock for our theology. For believers, encountering the omnipotence of God can be a life-changing experience, one that not only shapes our view of divine sovereignty but also prompts a profound sense of humility in the face of such mighty power. 

In a world where the miraculous often competes with the mundane, the revelation of God’s omnipotence provides an anchor for our faith. This omnipotence—God’s limitless power and capability—extends beyond theory; it is the foundation of how the universe itself works – as the Bible tells us, Jesus holds it all together (read Colossians 1:17). Yet, in His omnipotence, God is not static or distant, He yearns to be a dynamic force within our lives, shaping our encounters, guiding our purposes, and transforming our very lives.

The Significance of God’s Omnipotence

The book of Job is where we witness God’s omnipotence perhaps most poignantly in all of Scripture. Chapter by chapter passes and Job grapples with the realms of uncertainty and the depths of suffering, only to be met with the omnipotent voice of God that echoes throughout time, eternity, and all of creation. From the foundations of the earth to the ends of the sea, Job is reminded of the divine imprint on every atom and the orchestration of every event. Job is faced with a revelation of God’s omnipotence and must acknowledge God’s roles as Creator, Sustainer, and Ruler overall. Job, and everyone who reads these passages, must stand in awe at God’s ability to govern the chaotic depths of the ocean, or sculpt the cosmic tapestry above, or craft mountainous terrain, gargantuan creatures, and the very forces of nature itself.

While some may find comfort in autonomies and certainties, as believers, we find comfort in serving the One who orders storms and stars alike. Through the lens of Job’s encounter, we are beckoned not to merely understand and applaud God’s omnipotence intellectually but to hunger for its manifestation in our lives. It is through encounter that we begin to fathom, and in fathoming, to submit. The invitation is clear: seek the presence of God in reverence and expectation.

The Implications of God’s Omnipotence

At the revelation of God’s omnipotence – we are prompted to respond. The foundational step in responding to God’s omnipotence is with humility. We must remember – we are the created thing, not the Creator. As the prophet Isaiah writes – “Does the ax raise itself above the person who swings it” (Isaiah 10:15) or “We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand” (Isaiah 64:8). The implication is that the Creator doesn’t owe the creation an explanation for why things are the way that they are (in many ways this was how God responded to Job), and many questions we have in this life are left unanswered. Yet in that unanswered silence lies the seed of humble faith, a recognition that our wisdom flounders next to the eternal majesty of God.

However, for believers, the omnipotence of God is not a foreign, cold, distant thing; it is familial. We are heirs to a kingdom where the King knows no equal or rival or limitation. It is an encouragement to search the Scriptures, to uncover hidden dimensions of God’s mighty hand at work in each story, in each parable, and even in each silent moment. As we read, we reflect on His nature – and when our reflections begin to scrape the surface of God’s omnipotence, we encounter an unsettling and liberating truth. An unsettling truth that dismantles the high towers of human potential (even our best efforts at “power” pale in comparison to God) and a liberating truth that we belong to Him (see Romans 14:8) that knows no limitation – and He is with us (see Psalm 139:7-12).

Personal Transformation through Encounters

Personal encounters with Jesus chronicle a narrative replete with transformations. The sick are made well, the storm-ravaged sea is stilled, the dead are raised, and lives are forever changed. Through the lens of these miracles, we glimpse not only the omnipotence of God but also its redemptive, restorative, and revolutionary power.

An encounter with the omnipotence of God catalyzes our faith. It reframes personal narratives within the larger scope of God’s narrative. No longer are we the heroes of our own stories; He is. Yet, in that narrative, we find our truest selves, tethered to His purposes and meaning for our lives.

The culmination of understanding God’s omnipotence is in the alignment of purpose – created thing, serving it’s Creator in His purposes and intentions. It is the turning of one’s will to synchronize with the divine will. This is an abiding state, a daily crucible of decisions where human will is submitted to the sovereign will of an omnipotent God.


Understanding and encountering God’s omnipotence is not a one-time event but a cyclical, lifelong journey of faith. It calls for steady discipleship, a renewed mind, and a heart determined to seek the face of God. In the end, the revelation of God’s omnipotence is more than an intellectual progression; it is personal encounters that ignite humility, alignment, and worship.

In this call to personal encounter, we are not alone in that pursuit. The saints of old, the stories of new, and the abiding Spirit bear witness to a God who desires to reveal Himself. The invitation stands, not to a theoretical system, but to the living God, clothed in omnipotence and compassion. I pray you find God and encounter Him in ways you never thought possible.

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