We are not petitioning just for “blessings” in the sense of gain, but often times when we pray it is truly a matter of “life or death!”
— Rebecca Bracey
Life often presents us with battles that test our mettle, stretching our faith to its limits. These battles are not just physical, emotional, or situational; they are spiritual, requiring a strength that transcends human understanding and experience. Prayer, therefore, is key to overcoming such battles, and intercession is the deeper expression that provokes God’s hand to move on behalf of His people.
The biblical story of King Asa provides a compelling lesson on the transformative power of prayer and intercession during times of conflict:
And Asa cried out to the Lord his God, and said, “Lord, it is nothing for You to help, whether with many or with those who have no power; help us, O Lord our God, for we rest on You, and in Your name, we go against this multitude. O Lord, You are our God; do not let man prevail against You!” (2 Chronicles 14:11)
Today, let’s delve deeper into this narrative and distil insights that can fortify us in our spiritual warfare.
You Might Be Outnumbered… But You’re Not Overpowered
Asa, one of the few kings celebrated for his righteousness before God, was confronted with a fearsome enemy. This Ethiopian army was a force to be reckoned with, boasting a million soldiers and three hundred chariots. By human standards, Asa’s troops were grossly outnumbered. Yet, Asa recognized a pivotal truth: the enormity of the enemy did not dictate the battle’s outcome. The ultimate determining factor was the Lord God of Israel, their unfailing ally.
Faced with overwhelming odds, Asa resorted to the most potent weapon in a believer’s arsenal: prayer. We are given a KEY here in Asa’s prayers, for God, all things are possible – and not even this overwhelming force could overpower His plans, purposes, and people. Asa saw this invading army, not in the natural, but in the spirit, the way God sees. He didn’t look to overcome with numbers or strength, but by power and intervention from God. Asa’s prayer wasn’t merely a petition for victory; it was a bold assertion of God’s supremacy over any human force.
The Unassailable Power of Prayer and Intercession
When we are surrounded by life’s struggles, our first line of defense should always be prayer. We must understand that our strength lies not in our emotional stability or mental fortitude (though these things can be important), but in the invincible power of God!
Asa’s appeal to God transcended a simple prayer; it was an act of intercession. He stood in the gap for his people, presenting their cause before the throne of God. This reveals a critical lesson for us. As believers, we are implored to intercede for others, to steadfastly “hang onto them in prayer,” and partner with God in the realm of spiritual warfare. We are not petitioning just for “blessings” in the sense of gain, but often times when we pray it is truly a matter of “life or death!”
God’s Response: A Resounding Victory
God’s response to Asa’s faith-infused prayer was a site to behold: He vanquished the Ethiopians before Asa and Judah. While the Bible doesn’t detail how God intervened, the outcome was clear: the enemy was routed. The Bible declares, “the Ethiopians were overthrown, and they could not recover, for they were shattered before the Lord and His army.” This million-man army was overcome, not by strategy, nor force, nor tactics… but through prayer!
This triumphant outcome demonstrates that when we engage in spiritual warfare through prayer and intercession, God fights our battles. Regardless of how formidable the enemy may seem, when God is leading the charge, victory is a foregone conclusion. This faith in Him is what keeps us in the fight when challenges seem overwhelming.
Applying Asa’s Lesson in Our Lives
So, what practical lessons can we extract from Asa’s story?
First, we must acknowledge our active involvement in spiritual warfare. While we may not be facing tangible armies, we grapple with spiritual adversaries that necessitate divine intervention.
Next, we cannot underestimate the importance of prayer and intercession. Like Asa, we must cultivate a practice of faith-filled prayers, recognizing our utter dependence on God’s power. In our role as intercessors, we must steadfastly “stand in the gap” for individuals in prayer, acting as their advocates before God.
Lastly, we must have unshakable confidence in God’s power to deliver victory. No matter how daunting the battle, with God as our protector, our shield, and our strength, we are more than conquerors!
As you navigate life’s battles, remember this story. Embrace the formidable power of prayer and intercession in spiritual warfare, and watch God orchestrate victories in your life. Let Asa’s faith inspire your own, reminding you that no matter the odds, with God, victory is always within reach.I detail this and other powerful stories in Chapter 12 of my book “Unlocking The Miraculous” – entitled “God the Warrior.” Check it out at www.rebeccabracey.com/store.