“During challenging moments, it’s necessary to remember that Jesus, our healer, is unchanging and constant!”
— Rebecca Bracey
As we journey through life, we are often faced with experiences that are difficult to comprehend, let alone accept. Sickness, tragedy, and struggle can strike us or our loved ones and leave us feeling shaken. These moments can leave us grappling with feelings of despair and confusion, wondering where to find solace and hope. As believers, we are given a constant sanctuary – the nearness and presence of Jesus and His ever-present help. Hebrews 13:8 reminds us that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever… and if He healed then, He will heal now. If He was present during times of hardship then, He will be present now.
During challenging moments, it’s necessary to remember that Jesus, our healer, is unchanging and constant. His healing touch is always within reach, and His love never wavers, even during our most difficult trials.
God Cares about Our Suffering
When we look at the state of the world (especially the world today) it can be difficult to accept that God is concerned about the details of our individual lives, in the midst of such crises. What is one life compared to so many who are suffering around the world? When we face trials, such as sickness, it can be difficult to believe that God cares about this illness individually. We have to remind ourselves that our Heavenly Father is intimately concerned about every aspect of our lives, no matter how minute or monumental. His heart is moved by our pain and He is ever-ready to bring healing and relief where it’s needed. Despite what’s going on in the world around us, He is paying attention to what is going on in our lives as individuals.
A prime example of God’s compassionate heart is beautifully depicted in the Gospel of Mark 5:34, where Jesus interacts with a woman who had been suffering from a seemingly incurable disease for years. This woman, in her desperation, reached out to Jesus in faith, in the midst of a crowd (with so many other needs), and her life was forever changed. Jesus said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” These tender words reaffirm God’s deep concern for our suffering and His readiness to bring healing. Jesus’ response to her wasn’t dismissive or indifferent; instead, He acknowledged her suffering, validated her faith, and pronounced her healing. The caring nature of Jesus is not only for this woman but is also extended towards each one of us. Our pain matters to God, and He is always ready to bring healing if we reach out in faith.
God’s Nearness in Every Circumstance
In moments of pain and brokenness, the question comes to mind, “Where is God?” Psalm 34:18 reinforces the truth, stating that “the Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit.” In every instance of distress, we have the opportunity to turn to God and discover His comforting presence and healing power.
No matter the intensity (or even the triviality) of our difficulties, God’s nearness is a constant reassurance. His unceasing love is made evident by the grace we receive during tribulations and trials. Instead of viewing challenges as burdens, we can see them as opportunities to experience God’s healing and His nearness, strengthening our bond with Him.
Praying for God’s Will on Earth
When we face moments of trial, and sense the nearness of God, we should be moved to pray. One of the most potent prayers we can offer during times of adversity is to seek the fulfillment of God’s will on earth, mirroring heaven. Initially, this prayer may appear daunting, as we grapple with the possibility that God’s will may differ from our own desires and aspirations. However, the undeniable truth is that God’s will is perpetually good, and His intent is for us to experience healing and wholeness. When we implore God’s will to be done, we are aligning ourselves with His plan and inviting His healing power into our lives. God’s plan surpasses our comprehension, and by seeking it, we place our faith in His divine wisdom.
In the face of health challenges, struggles, and trials of various kinds, it’s natural to feel alone and helpless. Yet, as followers of Christ, we have access to a profound source of healing and hope through our steadfast belief in Jesus Christ, the Great Physician. By prayer and the pursuit of God’s will on this Earth, we can welcome His healing presence into our lives and take comfort in His unwavering consistency. Regardless of our trials’ severity, we can remain confident knowing God is forever by our side, eager to restore us. In trying times, let us draw near to Him and uncover the hope and healing unique to His divine touch.
If this has encouraged you, I implore you to read more about this topic as I dive into the life of Hezekiah in Chapter 11 of my book. You can find the book available in the store tab on my website: www.rebeccabracey.com/store.