“Our faith-filled acts of obedience, often in the face of seemingly impossible circumstances, catalyze divine intervention.”
— Rebecca Bracey
As believers, we all want to see God perform miracles in our lives. We want to see Him break through in impossible situations, provide for our needs, and move mountains on our behalf. Yet sometimes it feels like our natural circumstances limit God’s ability to do the miraculous. In times like this, it’s important to remember that God is not subject to our surroundings, but He can and will provide miraculously in response to our obedience.
Let’s read this brief account of Elisha the prophet:
“But now bring me a musician.” Then it happened, when the musician played, that the hand of the LORD came upon him. And he said, “Thus says the LORD: ‘Make this valley full of ditches.’ For thus says the LORD: ‘You shall not see wind, nor shall you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, so that you, your cattle, and your animals may drink.’ And this is a simple matter in the sight of the LORD; He will also deliver the Moabites into your hand.
II Kings 3:15-18 NKJV
What a profound moment. At the conclusion of this passage, as the men rose the next morning and offered a sacrifice to God, the ditches they dug were filled with water – and the armies of the Moabites were overcome. God had met their obedience with His supernatural provision and overcome the dire circumstances. What He did for them, He will (and does) do for us.
The Power of Obedience
In the above passage, we see how obedience unlocks divine provision. Elisha’s instructions to the people may have seemed absurd – to dig ditches in a dry valley with the expectation of water coming (not from rain or wind but from somewhere else) – yet, the people complied. Their obedience, which was a faith-filled action, became a conduit for God’s miraculous provision.
This principle is as valid today as it was then. Our faith-filled acts of obedience, often in the face of seemingly impossible circumstances, catalyze divine intervention. When we obediently follow God’s commands, even when they defy human logic, we create an avenue for His supernatural provision to flow into our lives. It may not always be immediate, but watch, as with the Israelites here in this story, God will meet our obedience with His abundant provision.
Understanding the Meaning of Obedience
But, what does it mean to obey? Simply put, obedience means doing that which the Lord directs us to do. It means submitting our will and desires to His, and following His commands even when it feels difficult or uncomfortable. The importance of obeying the Lord cannot be overvalued, for it is through our obedience that we position ourselves to receive God’s blessings.
Obedience, although rewarding, does not come without challenges. In a world that constantly influences our desires and decisions, it can be difficult to surrender our will completely to God. It requires a deep trust in His wisdom and a steadfast commitment to His word. We might face ridicule, or even persecution, for choosing God’s way over popular opinion, however, it’s important to remember that the challenges we face in the journey of obedience are not an indication of God’s absence… Instead, they are opportunities for growth and for God to demonstrate His faithfulness.
Trusting in God’s Direction and God’s Promises
Trust is an integral aspect of this obedience-driven dynamic. Trust in God’s promises, even amidst seemingly impossible circumstances, is what empowers us to obey His directives. In this story with Elisha, the people had to trust in God’s promise of provision before they could step out in faith and dig the ditches. Similarly, in our lives, it is trust in God’s goodness and His promises that allows us to obey His direction, even when it appears perplexing or daunting.
Trusting in God’s promises enables us to move beyond our limited perspective and step into the vast expanse of His divine provision. When we trust and obey, we position ourselves to witness the supernatural intervention of God in our everyday encounters, transforming our lives in the most remarkable ways.
Obedience and trust in God’s promises are the cornerstones of our spiritual journey. They are the keys to unlocking divine blessings and experiencing transformations that are beyond human comprehension. When we surrender our understanding and choose to obediently follow God’s direction, we invite His supernatural provision in our lives. Trusting His promises, even in the face of challenges, is not just a testament to our faith, but it also paves the way for God to manifest His power and faithfulness. Hence, let us strive to be steadfast in our obedience, unwavering in our trust, and watchful for the remarkable ways in which God works in our lives through these acts of faith.