“Know Whose you are and Who you’re in covenant with. The Lord always keeps covenant and fights for His people. He’ll move Heaven and Earth to defend you – nothing restrains Him from saving by many or by few!”
— Rebecca Bracey
In life, we all face battles. There may be challenges that seem too overwhelming to endure, and sometimes giving up can seem like the easiest option. However, as believers in Jesus Christ, we have access to resources that are both natural and supernatural, which are given to us to aid God’s purposes. We need to be confident, knowing Whose we are and Who we are in covenant with empowers us to trust in God’s resources. Look at this moment of faith from Jonathan in 1 Samuel 14:6:
“Then Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor, ‘Come, let us go over tot he garrison of these uncircumcised; it may be that the Lord will work for us. For nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few.'”
Jonathan’s faith was not in his own might, but in God’s faithfulness. Jonathan knew that he needed to be in the right place at the right time, and God might just show up on his behalf. It didn’t matter that the numbers were stacked against Him, that he lacked men and weapons of war, but Heaven’s resources were on his side, and he knew God saves by many, or by few… but it’s all done by GOD’s hand.
God is Always Faithful to His Promises
God always keeps covenant and fights for His people. Jonathan knew this, and the Bible continually affirms that God delivers His people from their enemies. God provides the necessary resources and victory in His time, and with His strength. This story with Joshua ends with a victory in the Lord! What a CLEAR example of defying the odds, and the numbers. Another classic example is David, who fought against Goliath with just a sling and his faith in God. David knew he was not fighting alone but with God on his side. When God is on our side, numbers don’t matter! We just need to be faithful to trust and obey Him.
What Obstacle? What Sea?
You may be thinking, “But what of the obstacles in my way?” Remember the story as Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. God’s people were trapped at the Red Sea with Pharaoh’s armies closing in. God instructed Moses to lift up his rod, and the Red Sea split in two, allowing the Israelites to pass through. What obstacles are you facing? What sea is standing in your way? God can move Heaven and Earth to defend and deliver us; nothing restrains Him from saving by many or by few! We must realize that when we face challenges, God has already provided the victory; we only need to continue to trust Him and His plans.
Heaven’s Resources > Earthly Limitations
As we trust in God’s resources, we must also remember that we are not alone. When we become believers in Christ, we enter into a covenant relationship with God. Not only do we have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside us, but we also have the support of the body of Christ. God’s resources include His people, the church. We need to be in fellowship with other believers, sharing each other’s burdens, and taking comfort and encouragement from one another.
In addition to these resources, we must also tap into God’s supernatural power. God gives us the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to live a victorious life. The Holy Spirit helps us to pray, guide us in the Word, and intercede for us when we don’t even know how to pray. We must learn to lean on the Holy Spirit daily and trust in His guidance. He will never lead us astray.
The path to victory in life is not void of obstacles, challenges, or trials altogether. Remember, like Jonathan, David, and the Israelites at the Red Sea, we can trust in God’s divine intervention. His resources are limitless, far exceeding earthly constraints. You might look around you and see many at your side, or just a few… but remember, as believers, we have the indwelling Holy Spirit! He can save “by many or by few!” Leaning into the Holy Spirit for guidance and tapping into the strength and support of our fellow believers, we can find the courage and the strength to overcome our challenges. Remember, in Christ, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, we already have the victory, and no obstacle is insurmountable.