“We must remember that God is truth, and His promises are unshakable!”
— Rebecca Bracey
There are times in our lives when we struggle with trusting that God has a plan for us. We may try to rely on our own wisdom (and strength) instead of His, pursuing our own plans and desires, which can lead us down a path of confusion and uncertainty. However, as believers, we must remember that God is truth, and the promises He has for us are true, and the plans He has for us are GOOD. Many times we fail to realize that He has blessed us in ways we may not even be aware of. It is crucial to trust in His promises and to walk in His paths, even when it may seem difficult to do so.
God Doesn’t THINK Like Us
“God is not a man that He should lie…” and He is not limited by the same flaws and weaknesses that we are. He is not deceitful, and more importantly, He is not forgetful. Whatever God has spoken, He will make it good. As believers, we should trust in His word and have faith that His promises will come true. Even when we face hardships or obstacles that seem insurmountable, we must persist and trust that God is with us and that He will see us through.
God is sovereign over all situations and has a perfect plan for every individual’s life. Even when things do not go as WE have planned, we can still have hope in the Lord because He knows what is best for us (see Jeremiah 29:11). We must seek to understand this plan with an attitude of humility, expecting that God may choose to take us down paths we would never have gone down on our own. This means trusting in the Lord even when it appears that nothing else can be done; it requires faith to trust in Him even when things seem uncertain or unclear.
We can be confident knowing that God’s promises are true and dependable; therefore, instead of relying on our own wisdom, strength, or understanding, we place our trust in Him. When we place our faith in Him, He will provide strength during hard times and courage when the way ahead seems daunting, making us unshakeable (see Psalms 16:8).
Overcoming Fear
We must remember that God has already overcome fear. As His children, we have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit, which empowers us to live in abundant freedom. We haven’t been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind (see 2 Timothy 1:7). We must not let fear rule our lives or make decisions for us out of impulse. Instead, when we feel the temptation to operate in our own wisdom and respond to fear, we should pause, pray, and obey God’s Word.
To truly overcome fear, we must actively displace it with FAITH. As we continue to walk in faith and trust God’s promises, even when it may seem hard or impossible, our fear will diminish and unshakeable faith, rooted in the truth of who God is, will remain.
God Is Always Watching Over Us
When we face difficult times or struggle with trusting in God’s will, we must remember that we are not alone. Just as God protected His people, the Israelites, He is watching over us and leading us down the path He has set before us. There may be times when we feel as though we are wandering in the wilderness, but we can take comfort in the fact that God is always by our side. He is our constant companion, and He is always willing to comfort and guide us.
If we know that God is good and that He loves us, then this shouldn’t be a foreign concept – He is ACTIVE in covering us. So we must not forget to turn to Him for strength and guidance. We can have confidence that He will watch over us and lead us along the path of righteousness.
Peace, Joy, and Abundance Through Faith
The walk of faith is not an easy one, but it is the only way to truly experience the abundant life that God has promised. We must have persistent faith, even when circumstances may seem dire. We must press forward in confidence, knowing that God will never lead us astray. When we trust in Him and walk in His paths, we will experience the peace and joy that only He can provide.
We must remember that God is truth, and His promises are unshakable. We must trust in His plan for our lives, even when it may seem difficult to do so. By His Spirit we overcome fear and walk boldly, knowing that God is always with us. So let us journey together in faith, trusting in the unshakable truth of who God is. Amen.
To discover more of this process of growing in TRUSTING in the Lord, I would encourage you to read Chapter 5 in my book “Unlocking the Miraculous” entitled “God is Truth.”