When God speaks, you can believe what He says!

“You can place your faith in what He speaks to you. Trust that God will do what He has said. His word will perform what He intends, having the power within it to do what has been spoken.”

– Rebecca Bracey

Are you looking to deepen your faith in God and rely on His plans for your life? When we learn to trust what God says, it can transform our lives. All throughout the Bible, we are reminded that when God speaks – whether directly or through another person – we can believe Him! He will always provide us with the strength, courage and wisdom that is needed each step of the way if we just stay true to His word. You don’t have to try and work things out on your own because all the answers He needs (maybe has) are already inside us. Don’t be afraid; instead, take a leap of faith today into a journey where hope will never disappoint you!

What it means to listen and obey God’s voice 

Listening and obeying God’s voice requires courage and trust. We can have faith that He knows what is best for us, even when it doesn’t make sense in the moment. Every step of the way, His plans are unfolding with a purpose to prepare us for the journey ahead. It takes faith to listen and surrender to His callings while trusting in His dreams that He has written into our lives. Every decision we make, every path we choose, by faith, will lead us closer to God’s ultimate plan for us. Obeying God’s voice means keeping an attitude of obedience and allowing Him to act on our behalf according to His purposes.

Knowing God’s will for our lives is a source of great comfort and assurance. Everyone longs to hear His voice! Fortunately, He speaks in ways we can understand. Here’s just a few examples: When we ask Him in prayer, He often responds through scripture or by providing unexpected answers or doors of opportunity. Other answers and directions come from voices of wise counsel in our lives (whether it be friends, pastors, or other sources). As believers, we are also called to pay attention to the still small whisperings of the Holy Spirit within us, His voice that guides us towards truth and love. Follow His plan for your life – trusting His provision each step of the way.

Practical advice on trusting His word

When faced with daunting tasks, we’re often unsure of what comes next. As we rely on God’s promises and direction, He will grant us peace and provide during these moments of uncertainty. Knowing that He will provide all that is necessary to accomplish His plan for our lives gives us the courage to take one step after another. It is important to recognize that the paths God places before us are not always easy, but each one leads us closer to Him and closer to His plan for our lives. By trusting in Him, He will lead us forward, no matter what challenges we may face along the way.

Why it’s important to remember God will always provide 

In a world filled with turmoil and uncertainty, it’s essential to remember that God will always provide for His children. No matter how difficult the circumstances may seem, we can trust in His promises. We can rest assured that God never abandons us, but instead will walk with us every step of the way – giving us strength and guidance so that we can accomplish whatever He has called us to do. All we must do is take courage and have faith in the One who knows the plans He has for us and provides according to our needs.

You are beloved by God… and He has provided for us in remarkable ways throughout history. When Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son, Isaac, as an act of obedience, God stepped in and provided a ram instead. When the Israelites were held captive in Egypt for many years, He showed Himself strong on their behalf by sending Moses to lead them out. Moreover, Jesus Himself is the ultimate example of how God provides; through His finished work on the cross. If we are faithful stewards of the gifts we’ve been given and remain obedient to His calling on our lives, we can rest assured that He will continue providing for us today.


God has an incredible plan for each one of our lives. We may not always understand why He is telling us to do certain things, or where this path is leading, but as we trust in Him and His will for our lives, we can be sure that He will provide everything we need along the way. We should never fear, but rather we should walk in faith knowing that no matter how difficult circumstances get, God’s love is there, and His provision is fine-tuned to our individual needs. May we take the time every day to recognize His voice among the many competing noises and grow ever stronger in trusting His wisdom and guidance as He leads us into all His good works.

Be blessed today. If you’d like to learn more about God’s provision during moments of uncertainty, I’d encourage you to check out Chapter 4 in my book “Unlocking The Miraculous.” 

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