Our Obedience Meets God’s Provision

God moves in response to obedience. Our faith grows as we see His faithfulness in operation. We don’t operate in the natural’ we trust our god and operate in the supernatural, knowing He is true to His word.

— Rebecca Bracey

When we follow God in obedience, He is moved to fulfill what He has spoken over our lives. He responds to our obedience with His provision, His favor, and His blessing. When we live our lives according to His will, He is faithful to provide for us, and even more than that, to bless us abundantly. No matter how difficult things may seem in the moment, and no matter how hard it is sometimes to say “YES” to the unknown, we follow Him in FAITH because we know that it is always worth it in the end. Trust and obey—there’s no other way!

When we obey God, He is moved to fulfill His promises

When we walk in obedience to what God has spoken over our lives (those things He’s called us to) and really take Him at His word, He is moved to fulfill every precious promise He has spoken into our lives. Our hope is found in His goodness, and when we simply follow God in obedience, our faithfulness will open the door for His provision and blessings to manifest. Know this, miracles will happen all around us as we walk in obedience, for the Lord honors faithful followers who put their trust in Him above all else.

As we step out in faith, God provides for us

Stepping out in faith is never easy… but it’s always worth it. When we step out in faith and obedience, trusting that God will provide for us, He faithfully delivers, every time! As we stand in courage, knowing that He is true to His Word, we can walk in confidence knowing that what He calls us to, He will provide for. We can have hope that even when life doesn’t seem to make sense (or even when things get difficult!), our Heavenly Father is at work for our provision, and making all things work together for our good! Whether that provision manifests itself in tangible blessings or spiritual insight into a situation, when we take the steps of faith, God is faithful to provide.

Obedience leads to blessing from God

When we choose to follow God, He sees that and His Father’s heart is moved with compassion. As we lay our lives on the line, we put God in the perfect position to show up and demonstrate His goodness through our lives. God’s strength is made perfect in our weaknesses, and by giving Him control of all things, God can come through and do what only He can do—provision, blessing, and even miracles! When we posture ourselves for obedience, God shows up with His favor and His blessings over our lives. Our YES to Him is met with His blessing over our lives and whatever we put our hand to do.

When we trust and obey God, we are living in His will for our lives

The safest place you can be is in the center of God’s will. Many people struggle to trust and obey God, even as they proclaim faith, at times it’s hard to really walk it out. However, when we DO take that leap of faith, trusting Him, we begin to live in the middle of His will rather than our plans and ambitions. We discover the joy and peace that comes by seeking Him by praying without ceasing and following His heart. This is a trust that enables us to be set free from our own limitations and walk with confident hearts into the life God has prepared for us. When we trust and obey God in faith, each step we take along this path opens up more fantastic doors of opportunity placed there just for us. Time and time again I have proved this in my own life. Stepping out in faith, is stepping IN to His will.


Living in obedience to God is the surest path to the miraculous. Stepping out in faith with confidence that He will fulfill His promises opens the door for breakthrough, blessing, and provision from His hand. The power of obedience propels us forward through open doors of purpose and destiny, aligned with His divine plan for us. Even if hard times come our way, yielding to Him brings refreshment and hope.

Through it all, we can rest assured that whatever direction He gives us is part of a much bigger story – a story designed by Him – and God writes the BEST stories! So, let’s surrender the fear that so easily holds us back so He can show us wonders beyond what we could ever ask or imagine! Let’s commit to following God in obedience, knowing that He will open doors no one can close and bring us victory in every area of life! Our YES – is met with His PROVISION. Amen.

If you want to learn more about this topic of trusting and obeying God for a life of blessing, check out my new book “Unlocking the Miraculous”. Together let’s find courage, strength, and faith in Jesus as we journey into everything planned for us by our loving God!

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