Rebecca sitting at a table ready to write a book.

Author, Songwriter, & Speaker

Sometimes the hardest thing we have to do is allow God to fight our battle. I want to share with you my story, and my journey, to help you achieve YOUR victory.

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Unlocking The Miraculous

Possessing Your Keys to the Impossible

This book covers the Bible’s take on the “God of the impossible”, a theme that is weaved throughout many parts of Scripture. Human nature often focuses on problems instead of looking to God as our Problem Solver. Each chapter dives into a specific struggle faced by people in history, and how God intervened. This world desperately needs something that only the army of the Lord can provide – and it starts with each person being all that God has called them to be.

"Is anything too hard for the Lord?"
Genesis 18:14

Friend, if you are experiencing a loss of hope, at a point of frustration, you are not beyond God’s ability for your situation.

– Rebecca


Be Exalted O God

Now Available Everywhere!


The Process of Yielding to the Potter’s Hands

While our present circumstances are fleeting, God’s plans are eternal. There is so much hope to look forward to, both in this life and in the one to come. Maintaining a close relationship with God through daily prayer, scripture reading, worship, and spending time in His presence grants us His eternal perspective.